Valatie, NY
(518) 758-7616
- Same-Day Appointments
- Accept All Insurance
- Since 1987
- Same-Day Appointments
- Accept All Insurance
- Since 1987
Hours: Closed Opens 7:00 am
For your convenience, Columbia Physical Therapy, P.C. handles all the primary insurance billing, as long as complete information is provided during your first scheduled visit.
We'll verify and provide you with a written summary of your physical therapy benefits. If you're responsible for a percentage of payment or a co-payment, it is due the day of service.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
For cases covered by workers' compensation or no-fault insurance, it's your responsibility to supply us with all the information necessary to process your claim.
For more information, please contact Anne Lowe at (518) 479-7172
Fax (518) 286-3798
2827 Route 9
Ocean State Job Lot
Valatie / Kinderhook, NY 12184
(518) 758-7616
Fax (518) 758-7557