Valatie, NY
(518) 758-7616
- Same-Day Appointments
- Accept All Insurance
- Since 1987
- Same-Day Appointments
- Accept All Insurance
- Since 1987
Columbia Physical Therapy, P.C. bases our staffing needs on your scheduled appointments. Therefore, we depend on your commitment to prioritizing your physical therapy to avoid last-minute absences. We'll work with you to find convenient appointments that fit your schedule.
The best way for your PT to work is to keep your scheduled appointments. If you need to cancel an appointment the day of the appointment, you will be charged $50 unless you re-schedule for a later day in the same week. If you do not show for an appointment, you'll also be charged.
If you cancel a Saturday appointment in East Greenbush, NY, on a Saturday or a Friday appointment in Valatie, NY, on a Friday, a $50 fee will be charged as well.
Fax (518) 286-3798
2827 Route 9
Ocean State Job Lot
Valatie / Kinderhook, NY 12184
(518) 758-7616
Fax (518) 758-7557
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